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Hey, Peanut!!!


So, you got sent to look at the good stuff? The most R-Rated way to deal with stuff. This is a place where real talk happens, where you become an extra man if you were just a man and you become an extra woman if you were just a woman and you become an extra something if you don't identify as any of those, just trying to be inclusive here- Haaah!! Now you can't cancel me for it, gotcha fuck face! You haven't been listening to your consultant or anyone else, have ya? So, here is where you get the real shit- Why your 🍑 got dumped by the business school, Why the business school 🔔 you, Why your 🍑 cannot negotiate a scholarship and more.... like why you are such a loser that everyone keeps blowing your 📯!!

Because you are such a smartass, that you can do everything on your own, isn't it? 

So, here is Marvel Jesus, who wants to impart his wisdom upon you so that you can cross the sparkle circle and enter into the Hogwarts school of your choice.... and meet Mr. Daddy Dumbledore and play with your sticks to shoot magic out of it. Wrong school? Well, they call me the merc with the mouth not factual Frankie! SO DEAL WITH IT!!!

Now, below this letter of love is some real shit, read it so you can be just like me- an innocent man with only one goal: World Peace!

Yours and everybody's and especially Vanessa's and Wolverine's and Peter's,


Founder, X-Force



Why B-schools dumped your 🍑!! (Part -1)

So you think business schools just rejected you for no reason?

You are the Perfect Patty? The world does what your 🍑 wants?

Newsflash Thanos, this ain't Legally blonde where you can shoot a video in a hot tub to get in. Some real serious stuff needs to be done to get in. Just as serious as this page.

(Click on the picture to read the article)


Why your 🍑 got dumped for more reasons? (Part-2)

You thought it only takes a few reasons to reject you?

Haaah! In your face! Your application sucked so bad that even David Wallace could not say, "Suck it!" this many times. 

You wanna see what Marvel Jesus got for you but you're to scared to touch it. But don't be scared peanut, Marvel Jesus is here to change your cinematic universe!! (Coming soon)




Just like how I spelt out Francis for the love of my life with Ripley from Alien 3 and Tin can terminator with me, you gotta know how to spell out the worth of your soul- it's not like you sold it already!!

You gotta get in there and tell those shitbags that you ain't here to play around. You are here to build a snowman and you will!



When you suck so bad at socializing that even Dora the Explorer cannot find you, you think others will?

Networking is not for the recluse, you gotta put yourself out there. Just like Vanessa used to! May be not as much but you still gotta put in the time to connect. You gotta turn some heads (Coming soon)

Head turn.gif
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